Sunday, July 22, 2007


Hellos Janta,

Please don't get so boring and so unenthusiastic. Please keep in touch and remain in the habit of publihing.

I know, a major chunk of our janta is busy holidaying at Maysore and splashing themselves at the GSR Park..but other people..please don't keep on dissapointing all of us.

Expecting from all of the janta,

Take care,
Raveesh !!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Enthu is missing !!!!!

This blog is really warming up now !!!!! Hmmmm !!!!! Some gr8 pics and VDOs.... Too good...

Hoping that everyone will chip in with their views n comments on this.....

Please do contribute.....

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wish luck !!

Hii ppl,

The great Sachin Tendulkar (read God) is going to step out on Lord's, perhaps today for the last time. Though he does not need it at all, but we should say a silent and short prayer for the success of Little Master, the greatest and longest serving servant of the Team India, and also of the team along with it.

This is also to inform everybody that i am almost well now, and have recovered from the viral was down with. More later..keep publishing.

With luv,

Hail Sachin,

Raveesh !!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Am sorry !!

Hii Everybody,

I am so soory for being so irregular on our blog. Earlier i was at home and since i have come back to Pune have been really very busy and moreover, i am not well since last 3-4 days. I am down with viral fever and a very bad cough. Feeling very weak but just hoping that will be fine in a couple of days.

I am thankful to Kiran for sharing such beautiful pics and valuable informaton with all of us. As for me i cannot identify the temple..may be Pari Bhabhi will be able to help us in this regard.

I also want to say sorry to Mitu Bhaiya, Pari Bhabhi, Kiran and Bindu for not being able to come to Maysore. My trip was almost final, but due to the sudden plans of Papa for the "Grih-Pravesh Puja" and House-Warming trip to Maysore and Hyderbad were jeopardised. So i guess i will have to miss out on the out of world Dharvad peda this time round..but will surely visit Maysore very soon.

We have got a new room mate for our flat and coincidetally he is from Dharvad!! So i have got a whole new source to get the delicious Dharvad Pedas for me and Nidhi.

Signing off for now and will try my best not to be irregular this time round. Take care all of you and keep publishing!!

With Luv,

Saturday, July 14, 2007

u first

these are the pics of temples in karnataka.could any one guess the place. and write something

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Thought Provoking Video

I came across this video which is relevant for all of us. Will be interested to know your comments/views on it.

Take care

Monday, July 2, 2007

specially for the one interested in history

History tells a lot like, way of living,technology,literature,so many things.

park sorrounding Jal mahal

everyone knows bijapur ruler adilshah and golgumbaz.but not many know abt their a/c rooms.this building is one of them .


water is supplied to a/c rooms in palace from this tank

interestad in comments

धर्म संकट !!

सबसे पहले इस ब्लोग पे मुझे आमन्त्रित करने का शुक्रिया । मैं इस ब्लोग का सदस्य बन कर खुश हूँ । Thanks Ruchi for introducing me around here and others for warm welcome.
इससे पहले मैं कुछ और लिखूं आप्सबों को मुझे एक धर्म संकट से निकालना होगा. रुची और अन्कीत भैया ने मुझे बताया था कि ब्लोग पे रांची और जमशेदपुर के बीच एक दुसरे को बेहतर साबीत करने कि होड़ चल रही है । एक तरफ भैया ने कहा कि तुम तो जमशेदपुर कि team में होगे तो दुसरी तरफ रुची ने कहा कि अगर तुमने जमशेदपुर का साथ दिया तो सोच लेना । तो अब आप सभी ही बतायें कि मैं किस team को join करूं?