Saturday, September 8, 2007

Cutie pies.......

Hii Everybody,

I am really sorry for not being so frequent on the blog; though have always kept myself updated from time to time by visiting this place. There are basically two reasons why i have not scribbled anything here.

First and the foremost being a lazy bone, to which most of the people who know me closely, and especially Chix will agree to. The second reason i would like to share with everyone here, coz from what i have seen i have learnt, that this place is more like a close knitted people's forum, who share their thoughts freely; and so i think i can share my anxieties with them. I was apprehensive to pen down any thoughts here because i didn't know what kind of impression will it leave on people but this time around i could not suppress my excitement after i saw the two cutie pies' pics.

They are just choo chweet and adorable that you can not resist your self from loving them and asking for more. I have heard innumerable ancedotes revolving around them, wish could see them in near future, and for now, i raise an appeal on everybody's behalf to Ankit Bhaiya to post more pictures of Aastha and Ananya.

I also wish Bhabhi a very Happy B'day and a blissful year ahead and before i forget also wish Chiku a very happy and rocking belated b'day otherwise he will kill me for not wishing him.

Hope to see some response from the other members. Till then take care and enjoy!!


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