Wednesday, September 12, 2007

BREAKING NEWS & More !!!!!

First of all, let me update you all that following the foot steps of her elder sister, Ani has also been offered the position of the class-captain by her school management.......
( Can you believe this ????? Even I didn't) ..... After several rounds of intense negotiations with the management, she has agreed to accept the offer conditionally. Hmmmm !!!!!

Her new job profile includes, ensuring that the students don't break the queue while returning from the assembly area, collection and distribution of the home works, ensuring that the discipline is maintained inside the class room in the absence of the teacher, analysing, visualising, conceptualising and stratezising the overall development of the students in close association and co-ordination with the Sr. management etc etc.

CTC offered : Highly confidential and undisclosed yet .....

Now, regarding the English lesson :- According to her the plural of fruits are as follows :-

Apple - Apples

Mango - Mangoes

Banana - Bananas ( So far, so good )

Grapes - Hmmmmm, thats a tricky one, but she cracked this one as well....

yes !!!! and the plural of grapes is :-

grapes grapes grapes grapes & grapes...... Doesn't this make it a lot of Grapes ( Plural ? ) Right !

Ha ha ha .... Thats Ani for you.......

Bye guys, have fun... Keep bloggin' , keep cheking this space for further updats on Aastha & Ani........


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