Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Great Way to Share Thoughts and Expressions

This could be a great way to share thoughts on a variety of topics, including Sports, Food & Cuisines, Movies, Events etc. Nidhi, please write film reviews and Pari can load her 'World Famous in India' recipes. And I can...wel...give my valued comments on every post. ;-)


Pari said...


I can see janta, very smartly, slipping away from writing and delegating others with writing responsibility!!!

Anyway it's a great start....but i have a concern with the list of topics to be discussed in the blog....sports, food, movies is all fine and fun....nobody so far has wished to talk abt issues or problems one facing.

Ok i can already see some faces twitching!!!!

But i do hope, in this blog, we have fun and at the sametime help each other in someway in creating concrete thoughts in one's life.....

ok guys with all these i certainly don't intend to be intellectual....oh boy i hate that word itself!!

Well people....waiting for some good writings...chiku stop being a host and start writing!

Ourzone said...

Hi Bhabhi,

As we all had expected the first concrete post with a meaningful flow of thoughts has come from you.

Suddenly the bar has been risen and we have to do some catching up.

I totally agree with Bhabhi that we can us this platform not only for fun sake but also to do something constructive.My expectations from this blog are increasing with each passing day.Though personally i would like more people to join and that too "fast".

With huge expectations,

Nidhi said...

writing of film reviews should best b left for either di, chiku or rajib bhya.nobody can b better than them. i will try and second their opinions