Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I second..

Hii everybody,
I whole-heartedly second my Bhabhi's suggestion that all the visitors, (including the existing ones), please give your introduction so that all the members can know you, and connect to you properly.
I am Raveesh Ranjan, have completed my 4th year law(of 5 year law course) from ILS Law College, Pune. I am from Ranchi and as with everybody, just adore my hometown.
I am a big sport buff and follow almost all the major sporting events very closely. Other than that i am also very much into reading, writing, music, movies and good food. I also enjoy cooking, though i don't know exactly why, am afraid of knives (even the kitchen ones).
I absolutely love meeting new people, making friends and exploring new places.
Hoping to see many more people here and post frequency more frequent.

With luv,

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