Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tribute to Jamshedpur

When the first steel plant opened, men came to learn and to work from North and South Bihar, from far away Punjab and Madras... In Jamshedpur, they were welded into a nation... Some worked for two generations, some for three and some for even four. Father handed over to the son, the son to the grandson and the grandson to his children in turn. They have all contributed to the Jamshedpur of today."

-The Creation of Wealth
Life in the city is comfortable, with all areas having 24 hours running water and electricity (something uncommon in most of urban India, including Ranchi). Facilities are maintained by Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company Limited (JUSCO), a 100% owned subsidiary of Tata Steel.
Jamshedpur is one of the greenest cities of India. Active promotion of reforestation & tree planting activities helps in maintaining air quality, which would otherwise have been rather polluted on account of the presence of a large number of industries.
The city won international acclaim when it was selected for the 2004 Global Compact City award from the UN in India, beating other contenders such as Bangalore, Pune and Chandigarh, amongst others. A true testimony indeed to its robust infrastructure, cosmopolitan outlook and strong industry.
Try and beat this you Ranch fans!!!


Nidhi said...

arrey thats wonderful bhaiya.jamshedpur z certainly the best city.

Pari said...

Each to his/her own....c'mmon guys everybody have great affinity towards their hometown...pls show me a person who hates his/her hometown!!!!

All well said...JSD is best...Ranchi is best...and now I say Mysore is best.

In this case, we'll never progress beyond JSD vs request to have a open conversation!

But I don't think, chiko started this conversation in this context at all. If i am right, what he meant was to talk abt major cities in our country or abroad. Chiko, pls correct me if I am wrong.

I know all of us our preferences in the cities apart from our hometowns!!

Ok it's time for my preferences...Top of my list is Hyderabad and then Bangalore.

Hyderabad is a city which blends all religion, communities. You can actually see the city celebrating, Diwali to Id to Christmas. I have never seen such kind of diversity in the cities i have lived in. Warmth and helpful nature of people always welcomes your stay! And it's needless to talk abt the cuisine!

Bangalore - bustling, crowded,poor infrastructure, bad roads, disorganised traffic.....but still its charm attracts you and binds you! Weather and people always make your stay pleasant!

And more cities later.....